Epiblading & Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning, also known as epi-blading, is a gentle method of deeply exfoliating the skin. A surgical blade is worked over the face removing the outer layers of dead skin cells as well as any fine hair.  This treatment is great for blonde hair that cannot be treated with a laser hair removal.

This treatment is also a good alternative for clients with sensitive skin who are not suitable for microdermabrasion. The treatment can be used as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with a chemical peel and laser skin treatment for better penetration and results.

Any fine hair removed during the dermaplaning will not be stimulated or grow more coarser. You will experience nice, soft and smooth skin immediately after the treatment.

The secret to flawless skin

Epiblading is a great way to gently exfoliate the skin whilst simultaneously removing fine and fluffy hairs from the skin's surface. To safely and effectively do this a surgical blade is used, working this along the skin's surface to remove the dead skin cells, sitting on the surface of the skin and removing surface hair. Epiblading will not make hairs thicker, darker or stimulate hair growth in any way. This is a great alternative for those with really sensitive skin and those with blonde hairs that won't respond to laser hair removal.

Commonly Asked Questions

What are Dermaplaning and Epiblading?

Dermaplaning is a skin treatment that gently exfoliates your skin and removes the fine hairs often referred to as “peach fuzz.”  It is done using a specialised tool called a dermatome, which has a surgical grade razor.  

Why is Dermaplaning good?

Dermaplaning exfoliates and removes fine hairs, leaving your skin brighter and smoother.  It can also reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and even your skin tone. If used in combination with other treatments, the exfoliation can also improve the penetration of other products like chemical peels.  We recommend discussing this with your clinician before any treatments to ensure the best outcomes for your skin.

Is Dermaplaning the same as shaving?

Dermaplaning is similar to but not the same as shaving. Dermaplaning uses a surgical blade to remove hair at the skin's surface as well as removing excess dead skin cells on the skin's surface. This allows for better penetration of products and smoother makeup application.

How long does Dermaplaning/Epiblading last?

Dermaplaning can last 3-4 weeks.

Who should avoid Dermaplaning?

You should avoid dermaplaning if you have irritated skin, skin infections, or any of the following:

Fungal skin infections
Active acne
Active rosacea
Eczema, psoriasis
Severe solar keratosis
Skin cancer
Raised moles or warts
Open wounds or sores

How do I prepare for Dermaplaning?

At your consultation, your clinician will tailor a pre- and post-care plan according to your skin.  For most clients, we recommend:

Minimising sun exposure the week before.A sunburn would leave your skin too vulnerable for dermaplaning treatment.  

Avoiding exfoliation at home for 3-5 days.
  This could lead to over-exfoliation and cause a breakout.

What to do and what to avoid after Dermaplaning.

Your clinician will provide you aftercare and recommendation based on your skin’s needs following the treatment.  For all clients, we also recommend:

Avoiding direct sun exposure for 5-10 days post procedure.This also includes the use of solariums. Physical sun protection is mandatory and must be at least an SPF of 30.

No waxing or hair removal for 7-14 days.Facial treatments are generally not advised for a minimum of 14 days post procedure.

No strenuous activity is to be undertaken for 24 hours post procedure.This also includes hot yoga and the use of steam rooms and saunas

Avoid exfoliating products for 3-5 days or as advised by your clinician. If you develop any scabbing on the treated area do not pick the skin. Contact your clinician and they will advise you on how to care for your skin.

Will my hair grow back stubbly after Dermaplaning/Epiblading?

The hair will grow back the same way as it grew prior to the treatment. The regrowth may feel different as instead of having a pointed edge in the first few days of growth it will have a blunt edge. The treatment cannot stimulate hair growth.

Will Dermaplaning accentuate wrinkles?

No! The Dermaplaning will not accentuate wrinkles. As we are smoothing the skin's surface, very fine wrinkles can often appear more shallow after Dermaplaning treatment. People also often look more fresh without peach fuzz on their faces.

Is there a downside to Dermaplaning?

You may become addicted to having smooth, soft skin! Skin may be slightly sensitive after treatment for 2 days.

How much is Dermaplaning?

$150 - Epiblading stand-alone

$275 - Epiblading + Facial Treatment (includes chemical peel, Epiblading treatment, LED, growth factor serum & take home sheet mask)

Our dermaplaning treatments start at $150.  Please contact us today to speak with a clinician and schedule an appointment at our Melbourne or Ballarat location.