Chemical Skin Peel

Chemical peels are a treatment used to resurface the skin and promote the regeneration of skin cells. The peel will help shed the top layers of the skin to improve the overall appearance of the skin, stimulate collagen production, improve pigmentation, sun damage, acne, fine lines, wrinkles, redness and even rosacea.

There are many types of chemical peels to treat various types of skin concerns and conditions. Chemical peels are classified by their depth of penetration into superficial, medium and deep, therefore they can be combined with other modalities such as dermaplaning and laser treatments to improve their penetration and also enhance the treatment outcomes.

Downtime from chemical peels depend on the type of peels and the depth of their penetration. The downtime will vary from none to moderate downtime which includes feeling tight and dry, peeling, redness as well as darkening of pigmentations. The downtime can last about 3-10 days based on type and depth of chemical peels.

Gain an even complexion with chemical peels

Chemical peels are used to remove the top layers of the skin and promote collagen productionMaybe change to improve the appearance of pigmentations, sun damage, fine lines, wrinkles, acne, redness and more. Different chemical peel agents such as AHAs, BHA, TCA and Vitamin A are available to target specific skin concerns and they can penetrate into different layers of the skin.

Commonly Asked Questions

Pre-Treatment, what should I expect?

During the consultation, your clinician will examine your skin and discuss what products you may need before your chemical peel. Generally, a serum containing the key ingredient of the peel is recommended to allow the skin to become accustomed to the ingredient before the full strength chemical peel is performed. The serum will generally need to be used in the 2 weeks leading up to your peel, but this time frame may vary from patient to patient. Laser treatments on the face must be avoided for 1 week prior to undertaking a peel procedure.

Upon arrival, you will be asked to fill out a consultation form which will include questions about your skin type, medical conditions, previous treatments, etc. You will then have a private discussion with an experienced clinician who will assess your individual requirements, suggest a tailored plan and take you through the details of the treatment including pre-care and aftercare. This will also give you the opportunity to have any questions or queries regarding your treatment answered.

Do Chemical Peels Hurt?

Most patients are able to tolerate chemical peels without much discomfort. Some patients report that they experience a warm to hot sensation and/or tingling.

Are Chemical Peels Safe?

Yes, chemical peels are safe. At Clinica Lase, you can always be sure that your safety is our first priority. We pride ourselves on our knowledge, experience, and on our thorough consultations that ensure we have all the necessary information to minimise the risk of complications. Also, we only use chirally correct cosmeceuticals for our peel procedures and homecare preparations. Please refer to our product tab for further information on all our available product ranges.

Are there any side effects with a Chemical Peel?

Side effects of chemical peels can vary from peel to peel due to the difference in ingredients, etc. The most common side effects experienced post peels are flaking, peeling, and mild dryness. These are POSITIVE side effects as it demonstrates regeneration of the skin cells to improve the skin. Not all patients will experience the above side effects as it will depend on the peel used and many other factors.

What is the aftercare for a Chemical Peel?

Avoid direct sun exposure for 5-10 days post procedure. This also includes the use of solariums. Physical sun protection is mandatory and must be an SPF of 30. Waxing and hair removal procedures should be avoided for 7-14 days post procedure. Facial treatments are not advised for a minimum of 14 days post procedure. No strenuous activity is to be undertaken for 24 hours post procedure. This also includes Bikram Yoga and the use of steam rooms and saunas. Exfoliating products are not to be used for 3 -5 days or as advised by your clinician. If you develop any scabbing on the treated area DO NOT pick the skin. Contact your clinician and they will advise you on the correct protocol. Correct product use post peel procedure is very important to avoid further compromising the skin. This will be discussed with your clinician during your consultation and the correct formulas will be recommended.

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