enlarged pores and how to reduce them

Enlarged Pores & How To Reduce Them

Enlarged pores are a common skin concern seen in both men and women of all ages and ethnicities. And, as common as it is to see bigger pores on the t-zone area where the skin is more oily, enlarged pores may appear in any areas of the face. 

So, what causes enlarged pores? And is there anything you can really do to reduce big pores? Our expert dermal clinicians at Clinica Lase weigh in on this topic.

Why do pores become enlarged?

Pores can become enlarged due a variety of issues with the skin or other factors related to age, health, and external factors.


Blackheads can sometimes result in enlarged pores. Blackheads are a type of acne that is commonly seen in more oily skin where dead skin cells, debris and oils are trapped in the pores. When they are exposed to air, they turn into a dark color which makes them more noticeable. Blackheads are often quite stubborn and recurrent which results in enlargement of the pores.

Clogged pores

Clogged pores can also result in enlarged pores after the congestion is cleared. Much like blackheads, clogged pores often happen to oilier skin although it is possible to occur in dehydrated skin. In this case, the skin’s natural shedding a.k.a desquamation is not happening properly that leads to the accumulation of dead skin cells. This would normally make the skin appear rough and textured. Most of the time, this can be easily fixed by adding hydration and assisting the exfoliation process in the skin, however it can also stay for a longer period of time which may alter the size of the pores. 


Clogged pores can also lead to acne, which in turn can cause the appearance of larger pores. In cases of severe cystic acne, the high level of inflammation may play a part in breaking down the collagen in the area, resulting in atrophic scarring. Ice pick scars, one of the types of atrophic scars, may resemble enlarged pores. It might look more severe and it is more resistant to treatments.


Pores may also appear to become enlarged as we age. As skin starts to age the collagen and elastin fibers start to breakdown which results in loss of elasticity, fine lines and wrinkles. Due to the loss of skin structure this can also result in enlarged pores.


Pore size can also be determined by genetic factors. Usually if you have an oilier skin you will be more likely to have enlarged pores and this will also be determined in part by genetics.

Sun Damage

Enlarged pores can also be caused by sun damage. When the skin is exposed to UV radiation it will increase the rate at which the collagen and elastic fibers break down and will also cause water loss. This affects the structure of the skin and can cause pores to become enlarged as the skin starts to sag.

Who gets enlarged pores?

Enlarged pores can affect any skin type regardless of age, gender and ethnicity. As mentioned above they can be caused by a number of factors and can be something that changes with age or be present when we are younger.

Can you have dry skin and enlarged pores?

Enlarged pores are more commonly associated with an oily skin however they can also appear in a dry skin. This is due to the other factors that can cause enlarged pores such as sun damage, genetics and other inflammatory conditions.

Are clogged pores the same as acne? 

Clogged pores in some cases can lead to acne although some skins can experience clogged pores without having acne present. Clogged pores are a buildup of excess skin cells, dirt and oil that get stuck in the pore. This can sometimes lead to inflammation and the formation of acne lesions however acne can be caused by other factors.

Treatments to shrink and unclog enlarged pores

Skin Needling

Skin needling is one professional treatment can help to treat enlarged pores. This treatment stimulates collagen and elastin production which will help refine the skin’s structure, which in turn helps to improve the size of the enlarged pores.

Chemical Skin Peels

Chemical Peels work deep into the pore to help lift congestion by increasing cell turnover which can help improve clogged pores. Some peels can also stimulate collagen and elastin production which can also help improve enlarged pores. 

At-home tips to minimise pore size on the face and nose

Choose water-based products

Water based products can help minimise pore size as they will work to increase hydration levels of the skin but without being heavy and congesting. This will help regulate oil flow which in turn can help refine pores.

Choose the right serums & moisturisers

Using the right skincare routine at home can also help reduce pore size. The use of serums which contain active ingredients which can make changes to your skin on a cellular level. Niacinamide, Glycolic, Lactic, Salicylic and Retinol can all help to increase cell turnover and regulate oil flow which will help refine the texture of the skin and improve pore size. The correct moisturiser can increase hydration levels of the skin without being too heavy and congesting the skin.


Using exfoliants will help improve the skin texture and minimise pores. Exfoliating at home can come in different forms. Enzymes, chemical exfoliants or mechanical exfoliants can all be effective but the best type can vary on the skin. It is always recommended to check with a clinician to ensure you are using the correct product for your skin and that you're not irritating it or actually exacerbating issues related to pore size.

Use a pore-minimising primer

A pore-minimising primer can help remove excess oil from the skin before applying skincare and make up. This can help reduce the appearance of pores as well as helping make up last longer throughout the day.

Wear sunscreen everyday

Sun exposure can break down collagen and elastin in the skin which can cause enlarged pores. Prevention is always better than cure so ensuring an SPF is worn everyday and reapplied every 2 hours can help ensure this damage does not occur in the first place.

Remember to wash your face morning and night

Cleansing skin morning and night time with an appropriate cleanser will remove excess oil and bacteria from the skin. Over time this can help regulate oil flow and increase hydration levels which can help reduce enlarged pores.

Try a clay mask

A clay mask can help absorb excess oils and impurities from the skin which can help with clogged pores which over time can become enlarged. It will also help regulate oil low which will help reduce pore size. 

Use a retinoid product

The use of a topical retinoid can help regulate oil flow and increase cell turnover which can help reduce pore size. Retinoid products can also stimulate collagen and elastin which will help refine the texture and elasticity which will help reduce pore size.

Enlarged Pore Treatments with Clinica Lase

If you're concerned about enlarged pores, contact us today to learn what our team can do for your complexion. Let’s get you on the path to glowing skin!