ways to remove back hair

Dealing with a Hairy Back? Here Are 7 Ways to Remove Back Hair

Love it or hate it: a hairy back is one of life's many gifts to men.  As you age, you'll notice the hair on your head getting decidedly thinner while new patches of hair begin to form in strange areas, like your shoulders and your back.  Believed by some to be a sign of high testosterone levels, a hairy back is welcomed by some yet reviled by others. If you're considering back hair removal, read on for seven effective ways to remove back hair.

Why Do We Have Back Hair?

If you go back in time a few thousand years, you'll find prehistoric man covered head to toe in hair.  Clothes hadn't been invented yet, so the human body had to improvise and find a way to keep warm during winter.  Since then, clothes and indoor heating systems have made the need for so much body hair unnecessary. Why, then, do some men still sport such an impressively hairy back?  Some say that back hair is a sign of high testosterone levels, while others recognise that hypertrichosis – a male condition that causes excess body hair growth – comes down to hormones and genetic predisposition.

1. Depilatory Creams

Depilatory creams make the hair removal process easy – provided you have someone to help you access the hard to reach areas of your back.  Since your back is a large, flat surface, depilatory creams are incredibly easy to use. Simply have your partner spread the cream on your back, wait five minutes, and then wipe the cream – and your hair – away.  People with sensitive skin may need to experiment with different types of depilatory cream before finding one that suits their skin type.

2. Waxing

If you're looking for a longer-term back hair removal solution, waxing can be a good option.  We're not going to lie: it's going to hurt. But if you're willing to put up with some short-term pain for two months of smoothness on your shoulders and back, you may like to look into waxing at home or in a professional salon.

At-Home Waxing

At-home waxing is a more cost-effective solution than the professional alternative, but you're going to need someone to help you.  If you have a willing partner with some experience in waxing, the process can go just as smoothly at home as in a salon. Any hard to reach areas or stray hairs can be removed with tweezers.  Make sure you have an appropriate way of thanking your partner, as at-home back waxing can be a long and drawn-out process.

Professional Waxing

If you're looking for effective, long-lasting back hair removal and don't mind a little pain and expense, professional waxing is the way to go.  The entire process can take as little as 15 minutes when you're in the hands of a professional waxer, and their expertise will usually cause you less pain than if you attempt the same procedure at home.  Make sure you use a good quality antibacterial body wash to clean off any waxy residue, to keep your skin supple following the procedure.

3. Shaving

Shaving is a pain-free back hair removal procedure for at home but you're going to need someone to help you or some specialist equipment.  Just as you would when shaving your face, make sure you exfoliate before starting, use good quality shaving cream, and follow up with an aftershave balm.  If possible, shave in the shower as the steam will soften the hairs.
If you don't have someone to help you, shaving back hair at home is still possible with a specialist razor with an extendable handle.  Keep in mind that the results are temporary, and regrowth can be itchy and annoying.

4. Trimming

If you want to tame your back hair without removing it completely, consider using trimmers.  Many men who choose to trim rather than shave their back hair do so to avoid itchy regrowth and rashes that can occur with shaving.  You'll still need someone to help you or shaving equipment with an extendable handle, but the process of trimming is easier and faster than a complete shave.

5. Threading

Threading is a way of removing back hair from the roots, rather than shaving the tops off.  Similar to tweezing, threading catches multiple hair follicles at once and pulls them out from the roots.  While you might be lucky enough to have someone at home who has perfected the threading technique, those who opt for threading will get better results in a salon.  Threading is best used to deal with fine back hair or small areas that were missed during another technique, rather than a complete back hair removal solution.

6. Laser Hair Removal

For a longer-lasting back hair removal solution, consider having laser treatment at a skin clinic.  Laser hair removal is best suited for men with lighter coloured skin and dark hair, as the procedure works best when the contrast in colour between the hair and skin is greatest. 
The friendly clinicians at Clinica Lase, your local laser clinic, will be able to advise you whether laser hair removal is a suitable procedure for you.  You will receive a full consultation before the commencement of any treatment, and a treatment plan will be tailored for your specific skin type and to suit your requirements.

7. Electrolysis

Unlike the other hair removal procedures on this list, electrolysis is a permanent technique.  The procedure is not reversible, so it's a good idea to start with another procedure to remove your back hair to make sure you’re comfortable with the feeling of being permanently hair-free.  Electrolysis is an expensive procedure, but since it only needs to be performed once, it is easier to justify the initial outlay.
If you're considering back hair removal but don't know where to start, contact the friendly team at Clinica Lase today.  We'll be happy to sit down with you and discuss your expectations and treatment options.